Sunday, June 1, 2014

One day at a time

This whole "c" thing seems to take a toll on me.  Some days are better than others...and some days I would rather run and hide.  I have gotten a lot of emails lately "checking on me"...true...I haven't been posting a lot lately...but there is a good reason.  Or should I say reasons...from starting this summer with a bang with taking girls to do whatever we can to make not such good times...I was scheduled for chemo last Monday...but God knows what is best...I ended up in the clinic last Saturday with a fever and some back and abdominal thing led to another and needless to say Tuesday I had 3 more stents placed in my "bile-duct area" was that the "procedure to take out the "C"???!

I will have to go back in 4 weeks to have these stents removed, the "C" burned out and more stents placed. 

How am I doing?  As good as one can be doing going through all this.  These "stent" procedures are usually 1 1/2 hours long...however my last 2 procedures have lasted over 3 hours and I end up staying inpatient.  All I can say is I take it one day at a time...the aftermath of these stents are causing a lot of spasms and it feels like someone is inside grabbing my intestines and twisting them into a big knot at times...but I'll try to keep a smile on my face...even in pain. 

I try to remain positive and stay focused on MY life...and what I need to do that makes ME happy.

It saddens me sometimes that all I see on social media is negativity at times and how "bad" some one's life might be just because they don't get their way or they think they have such a bad life...well folks...I don't mean to come across rude...but put on your big boy or big girl undies and deal with it!  There are bigger battles to fight in life and mine is fighting to survive!!! 

Until next time...fighting this battle one day at a time.